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Part 7: Successfully introducing 3D printing into your school

Having a robust introductory plan for your 3D printing solution is essential. Communicating effectively, training users, showcasing successful projects and managing demand all help ensure ongoing success.

Use this simple guide to ensure the successful introduction of 3D printing in your school or university.

Download this image as a PDF.

Learn more about 3D printing in Education


Introducing 3D Printing into the Classroom is a series of articles designed to help educators and IT administrators in education understand 3D printing, how 3D printing can enhance the learning experience and the considerations about the 3D printing ecosystem. Understanding the 3D printing process, how the solution fits into the classroom and how costs, access and usage can be managed are elements of a successful 3D Printing Program.
Part 6: Finding your perfect 3D solution
Part 5: Creating the right physical environment for 3D printing in Education
Part 4: Building a business case for a 3D printer
Part 3: How much does 3D printing cost?
Part 2: How do you know if you need a 3D printer for your classroom?
Part 1: What is 3D printing and what are the benefits for education?

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