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Student Application Processing


Student applications must include proof of their qualifications and identity; these are usually sent as hard copies. A university administrator manages the application process. He creates a student folder and then collates the application forms and supporting documentation for each student, saving them to the relevant student folder. Once these tasks have been completed he informs the Head of Admissions that the application forms are available for review, triggering the validation stage of the application process. The student’s record will follow the student through not just the application process but through their entire university journey.


A pre-defined YSoft SafeQ scan workflow, accessible through a multifunction device (MFD), is created to scan student applications. The workflow defines the destination for the digital documents as a shared network drive. The workflow is configured to read barcode data to identify the student number and type of document. An option to email the Head of Admissions, linking him directly the student’s folder when new documents are received is selected. As the student progresses through university, workflows for test grades and other routine documents are created with the same network drive destination instructions, ensuring all documents for a student are stored together. For each type of document, the workflow is configured to create a subfolder.


Heidi, a university applicant, receives her application form along with instructions on how to complete the form and the supporting documentation required. Heidi’s application form includes a barcode that contains her unique student number. Heidi returns her completed application form and supporting documentation as hard copies to the university.

Brian, the university administrator, swipes his ID badge at any multifunction device (MFD) in the university to see the workflows he is authorized to perform. He selects the pre-defined scan workflow for student applications from the menu displayed and inserts the documents into the scan feeder. He can do this for multiple students at one time.

The digital documents are automatically routed to Heidi’s student folder based on the unique barcode information. The Head of Admissions is notified by email that Heidi’s application has been completed and is ready for verification and consideration. The email contains a link directly to Heidi’s student folder.

Documents can be added to Heidi’s folder throughout her time at university through a series of automated workflows, each configured to route different types of documents.  For example, course grades may have a scan workflow that routes documents into a subfolder named Course Grades based on barcode data that identifies the student and the type of document.