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Part 8: Designing for 3D Printing
YSoft be3D
So, you have found your perfect 3D printing solution, created the right environment and everyone is excited about it. How do you now find the right design resources or even use CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to design your own models? In this article, we look at some of the resources available to take you from zero to hero, or something in between.   
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Show me the (Smart) money!
Y Soft Ventures
Managing Partner, Y Soft Ventures
Y Soft Ventures was established in 2014 with a clear and simple strategy: support local Central European startups that a) have a focus on the B2B market, b) have a service or product that integrates both software and hardware c) have a multi-vertical targeted product or service and d) have the potential of doing business on a global scale.
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Part 7: Successfully introducing 3D printing into your school
YSoft be3D
Having a robust introductory plan for your 3D printing solution is essential. Communicating effectively, training users, showcasing successful projects and managing demand all help ensure ongoing success. Use this simple guide to ensure the successful introduction of 3D printing in your school or university.
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Part 6: Finding your perfect 3D print solution
YSoft be3D
So far, in this series we have looked at everything leading up to choosing a 3D printing solution. In this the sixth article of the series we now look at selecting the right solution for your school or university
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The robots are not taking over… or are they?
Y Soft Corporation, YSoft SafeQ, YSoft be3D
R&D Manager
Robots are not taking over the Y Soft R&D department yet, but they are certainly in use. In our robotic lab, we enjoy creating the robots and the systems that run them. These robots help out a lot in repetitive testing steps and they are a lot of fun to watch.
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Part 5: Creating the right physical environment for 3DP in Education
YSoft be3D
In this article we present considerations for the actual physical environment for your 3D printers.    
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Millennial’s attitudes on digital transformation
YSoft SafeQ
Former Communications Director
Most organizations are going through some type of digital transformation. The benefits are primarily for productivity gains in order to stay competitive. But what do employees and prospective employees think about their company’s efforts? We decided to ask.  
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