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Stuck in lesson planning or STEAMING ahead?

There is no shortage of positive stories of how 3D printing aids in education, but something is missing from most stories: you, the teacher.
Teachers face many challenges, time being the greatest of all. Lesson planning is a vital but a time-consuming element. Educators are telling us that they need help in developing lessons that incorporate 3D printing to engage students and convey the classroom subject matter. We’re listening.

Full STEAM ahead

The tools to teach the fundamentals of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) subjects will help you prepare your students for the future. However, STEAM subjects often involve complex concepts. Traditional techniques are not always adequate for students who are having difficulty grasping concepts from textbooks and class discussion or they are just not interested in the subject.
As one teacher commented, when students created their own 3D models, are holding it in their hands, and making their own adjustments, the ‘aha’ moment happens. And that is why 3D printing has become so instrumental in today’s classroom. But…

Wouldn’t it be nice if….?

Time, or rather a lack of it, to create lessons that incorporate 3D printing is a common obstacle. What if there was an online resource created by teachers for teachers that provided ready to use 3D lesson plans, how-to guides and 3D model files? If it were an extensive resource for educators looking to successfully integrate 3D printing in a way that challenged students with fun and interesting real-life projects?

We’ve been thinking about a 3D printing resource that would provide you with all of that and much more. And because all 3D printers are not created alike, you’d want to be assured that the lesson’s 3D model files worked on the printer you have.  All of this would allow you to spend more time doing what you best, teaching your students.

Below are some examples of how 3D lessons can be used in each of the core STEAM subjects.


  • Science: Explore density, mass, energy and much more by challenging students to design objects like balloon powered boats, rockets and rubber band powered cars. Other examples might include 3D printed skeletons and bone structures, molecules, body parts, as well as natural process models such as weathering and erosion.

  • Technology: Turn your students into inventors who can solve real-world problems such as, creating bespoke cell phone cases, designing tools for less-abled members of society and solar powered devices.

  • Engineering: Unleash your students’ imagination as they are free to design and engineer anything they can imagine. Projects such as bridge building to model racing cars can provide you with an engaging lesson to convey complex subject matter.

  • Art: Bring your students work to life and show them how to create abstract sculptures, mechanical artwork, clothing or even casting molds.

  • Math: Help your students to visualize complex math subjects such as graphs, models of equations and volumes.
All the above projects would indeed make subjects more engaging and enrich your students’ learning experience. Additionally, by working in groups, students learn how to work together as a team – a skill valued by today’s employers.

What do you think?

We’ve been talking to teachers using our 3D printing solution, YSoft be3D eDee. They have been extremely helpful as we think about all that we can do to help educators with 3D printing. What do you think about an online resource as described above?


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