Ambiq Healthcare Case Study

Case study with Ambiq Healthcare

Customer Profile

Ambiq provides care and support/guidance for children and young adults with mild intellectual disabilities and additional problems. As much as possible, the organization offers care on an outpatient basis in people's homes. It also offers in-patient care on an Ambiq site, where children benefit from specialist treatment and guidance.
  • Industry: Specialist care provider
  • Company Size: 850 employees
  • Location: The Netherlands


Ambiq operates a multi-vendor fleet of printers and multifunctional products (MFPs), comprising around 80 devices. One of the biggest pain points was that devices were supplied under several contracts, all of which had different end dates.

Ambiq was looking to reduce the cost and administrative burden associated with managing multiple vendors and contracts.

Key criteria for the new managed print service included the ability to manage the fleet from a single interface centrally, and provide seamless access to print for the organization’s 850 employees across all locations.

It was also important that the solution supported secure print release in the larger offices and removed Ambiq’s dependency on costly VPN connections.

One of Mark's key criteria was understanding the true cost of print, being able to monitor and manage volumes output by user, department, and device, and controlling color usage. Reducing costs was also a main driver of change. 



Ambiq leveraged SAFEQ Cloud to migrate its print infrastructure to the cloud. The first phase of the rolling printer refresh program saw the organization install 26 new MFPs and SAFEQ Cloud licenses.

SAFEQ Cloud is a true cloud solution, designed to remove complexity, reduce the pressure on resources, and lower support costs. It’s completely serverless and fully flexible; always on, always up to date, and always secure.

The initial scope of the project was to implement Y Soft’s born-in-the-cloud multi-tenant print infrastructure platform to manage the 26 new devices.

However, having quickly realized the benefits of managing print in the cloud, Ambiq extended this to the entire fleet – increasing its subscription to 80 licenses.

This was easy to do as SAFEQ Cloud is fully flexible, enabling customers to scale consumption up and down according to business needs and only pay for the licenses they need.
“One of the biggest pain points for Ambiq was that our printers and MFPs are supplied under several contracts, all of which have different end dates, and I wanted to change that.” Tom Luinstra, ICT Manager



Migrating print to the cloud reduces the administrative burden. With SAFEQ Cloud, the entire printing infrastructure can be managed from a single web-based interface.

SAFEQ Cloud has helped Ambiq to:

  • Remove dependency on VPN, saving € 50k per annum
  • Reduce administrative burden on small IT team
  • Benefit from visibility and transparency over the entire print infrastructure
  • Improve the security of information with pull printing


No more VPN

With over 80 locations across the Netherlands, Ambiq relied on VPNs to enable employees to access printers on the corporate network.

SAFEQ Cloud’s best-in-class hybrid cloud infrastructure has removed this dependency. In regional branches and care homes not connected to the corporate network, data is stored locally, and print jobs are kept on the printing device.

“We no longer need to utilize VPNs for print, that's the biggest advantage for us and one that’s delivered an annual saving of €50,000,” Tom Luinstra, ICT Manager said.


Manage multiple devices with a single driver

SAFEQ Cloud has removed a huge pain point with multi-vendor print environments — the time required to install printers on individual endpoints and update multiple print drivers. SAFEQ Cloud’s full-featured single driver is designed to work across all models and all brands, can be deployed across various domains and settings, and updates are automatically handled across the entire fleet.

“One of our requirements was to have the ability to centrally manage the fleet. We now have visibility and transparency over the entire print infrastructure. We have a top line view over how much is printed, overall fleet performance and uptime, and with a small team, that’s been beneficial in terms of freeing up time to focus on other initiatives,” Tom Luinstra, ICT Manager said.


Ease of use and improved security

One of the most essential criteria for migrating print to the cloud was the user experience. The new solution must be easy to use.

Ambiq is also benefiting from improved information security. It wanted to enable pull-printing in its larger offices so that confidential documents weren’t left lying on the printer. In smaller offices and care homes, it was key to keep things simple and enable staff to continue to use push print for immediate printing. With SAFEQ Cloud, Ambiq has been able to do both.

“We did get feedback from our people, and it was positive — one of the big things was that it was easy to authenticate at the device and quickly retrieve print-outs. We’ve not had a lot of calls to the helpdesk, so I think they are happy with the solution now!” Tom Luinstra, ICT Manager said.